Signs or symptoms of anal/rectal/colon cancer?.?If there are any gentleman out there that could help me please?.My husband has been suffering with severe pain not only at anus but inside the pelvic region; extreme pain. He does bleed a lot when he has bowl movements.
He was told about a year ago that it was hemorriods. However, I?m not satisfied with this. I?ve never heard of hemorriods causing this much internal pain. He has had the colonostomy and doctor didn?t find anything to be alarmed about..
If you?re a guy and have suffered with or currently suffer with these symptoms, can you tell me what your diagnosis is? And if you were diagnosed with cancer, what were you begining signs..
thanks for your help!
I?d get a second opinion, maybe go to a different doctor. I know they just found out that my dad had bladder cancer and he had pain and bleeding when using the restroom, I?d have it checked out
Its likely hemorrhoids. The scope up the butt should rule out cancer?they usually can find it with that method?.is straining to much?get some fiber and clean after each bowel movement and prep H usually works?..
My grandfather had the same symptoms. He had diverticulitis.
. The most common symptoms of diverticular disease include abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea and bloating. These symptoms are related to difficulty of passing stool along the left colon narrowed by diverticular disease.
More serious complications include diverticulitis, collection of pus (abscess) in the pelvis, colon obstruction, generalized infection of the abdominal cavity (bacterial peritonitis), and bleeding in the colon.
Diverticular bleeding occurs when stool erodes into a blood vessel at the base of a diverticulum. Rectal passage of red, dark or maroon-colored blood and clots occur without any associated abdominal pain.
Bleeding may be continuous or intermittent, lasting several days.
Make an appointment with a GI specialist. He was only diagnosed after seeing the third specialist.
it could be hemmoroids, or alchohol abuse,does he drink alot??? a colonoscopy should show all signs of polops or cancer. but hey always ask for a second opinion. you never know. doctor might not know what he is looking for. sounds like you need a second opinion to me , good luck.
He should see a gastroenterologist. It could be hemorriods but then it could be polyps, signs of a tumor, etc.
He needs to be evaluated by a physician that specializes in this area. If the physician finds it to be safe then your husband will likely have a colonoscopy with possible biopsy to lead to a proper diagnosis.
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