Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Rekindle Your Relationship When The Fireworks Have Fizzled ...

Remember when your heart simply soared at the sight of your lover? What has happened to those wonderful feelings? Does it feel like the fireworks have fizzled? The stresses of building careers, raising families, paying bills, meeting commitments, leave little time for relationships. Each person in a committed relationship wants to feel that ones partner gets his or her essence. When there is not time and energy set aside to nurture the relationship/marriage the fireworks fizzle and each partner feels emotionally alone.

How can one start to rekindle the emotional connection? When one feels alone it is only natural to want the other person to show real caring first. Instead, what I am suggesting is that you begin by focusing on the needs of your partner. Here are seven tips for reconnecting with your partner.

Maintain a positive attitude

Embrace a positive attitude and you will soon find yourself irresistible. You will be amazed how responsive your partner becomes and how much easier it is for you to practice a positive attitude. Keep it up and your relationship will start to shift positively.

One person can start the process of reconnecting.

When people are lonely they are also angry and feel betrayed by the other. Consequently human nature is to want the other one to start showing caring first. If you are the one who desires to reconnect then just start. The likelihood is great that your partner will respond. Remember both of you are feeling the lack of intimacy.

Listen with an open heart

Hear what your partner is saying with an openness of heart. You came together by choice accepting your different backgrounds and upbringing. Step back and see your partner objectively. When you do, you will hear and accept whatever is said as belonging to your partner. Listening objectively allows you to hear with an open heart and not from your fear or anxiety.

Be fair

Inside yourself you know what it means to play fair in your relationship. When you act with integrity and are fair to yourself, you will automatically do the right thing for you and your partner.

Carry two goals within you simultaneously

The big goal is that you would like to rekindle your relationship. The action goals are the little steps you take every day by being fair, doing random acts of kindness, letting go of blame and criticism, by speaking in ?I? messages and listening with an open mind.

Trust and love take time to be rekindled

It is through acceptance and giving that love is shown. You will find that gradually your loneliness and anger will lessen and friendship and intimacy will grow

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