Friday, September 16, 2011

Obama Democrats on Road to Oblivion (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | When one's clothes begin to tatter, you know it is time for a change.

That is why two entrenched Democrats were recently ousted by Republicans in recent special elections.

Democrats had best tremble because there is a tide rising which will sweep them away this coming election. It is an angry tide, a political tsunami fed and driven by an overpowering sense of frustration and fear.

Everyone is scared. The future looks bleak. The economy is imploding. Jobs are disintegrating. Homes are foreclosing.

Ruder-less, captain-less, our country heads for a rocky shore of destruction, spinning in whirlpools of rapidly-changing events that are shipwrecking the security we once thought we had.

What will happen to unions? What will happen to Social Security and Medicare? What will happen to social programs for the poor and unemployment benefits that are the last lifeline for tens of thousands on the brink of homelessness and hunger?

What happens when what few jobs we have left are exported to far-off foreign lands?

Imagine what it is like for the mothers and fathers that once had jobs and houses now facing the loss of their homes and medical care; facing hunger, shame and panic.

All eyes turn to President Barack Obama and Washington hoping for leadership to pull the country out of its economic decomposition.

What we see is leadership torn apart by political interests that shoot down any hope either side provides.

Candidates call for putting America "back on track." Track to where? Our country has derailed and the train lies wrecked on its side.

The tracks themselves have been torn up. There is no real direction being offered ???only slogans.

There is one certainty. In panic, voters will seek any port in the storm and they will run from the Democratic Party in fear-driven droves to vote for a change they pray will deliver them and the nation from ruination, a change that will never come.

Obama is like a man whose hands have been securely tied behind his back trying to swim across the English Channel. He is a president with no power to change anything.

He will be abandoned by members of his own party who will become more Republican than Republicans in order to save their political hides.

A massive Republican victory in the next election is inevitable, just as inevitable as our country's pending-economic collapse.


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