Friday, July 1, 2011


Archery can be classified as a sport or a hobby and his class at the Olympic Games. Archers or hunting game, or aim at the targets, or both. If you on targets in a shooting competition, is the common result of all your arrows, which determines your rank in the competition. Which is around the center of the target that the arrow hits, the higher the number comes closest.

Archery and Archery can be divided into two classesArchery. In archery, the archer is in a fixed position. If there are a number of archers, can stand in line all together and shoot on command by the person in charge of enforcing the rules and safety. Any type of bow can be used usually in target shooting, although only the connections can be used at the Olympic Games.

In the role of the country, are the targets of various sizes and are placed at various distances. The shooter moves around theOf course, so there is no fixed point of recovery. The goals of concentric circles known targets or can effige size of wild animals like mountain lions, elk, and foxes.

The bow at the archery range are used mostly in traditional style bow: longbow, recurve and plates, although archers each arc, such that they can use. When hunting live animals, are compounds used in the rule because they are smaller, more agile, yet areare still very powerful.

Targets are traditionally made ??from straw bundled together and make bound with ropes. These are then covered with straw rope around like a Catherine Wheel wrapped and stitched together. The aim of the fabric or paper to memorize the face of it.

The other name for these objectives is "Pops" and many historic towns and villages in England are still a recreation area called "football". These days you play football or cricket, but Henry VIIIdecreed that all men need their skills in archery, soccer practice every Sunday with a longbow, so it would be an abundance of archers for his army.

In the archery competition, each archer is on his own goal, but every athlete should have just flights of color, so if it can be a dispute over an archer and the arrow can be identified. This is useful for the arrows that missed their target total recall.

There are usuallysix arrows shot by each participant in a round and if you need to be taken from different distances, it is normal, from the furthest distance to shoot first. Men usually from 90 shots, 70, 50 and 30 meters, while the ladies usually shoot 70, 60, 50 and 30 yards.

Archery as a sport seems to be growing in popularity, especially as there is a tendency in some countries, like Britain, to make it more difficult to get a gun license. It is said that fashion is going around andback, and the British men have returned to their archery butt back in greater numbers, that we were probably from the sixteenth century work.


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